Archive for December, 2006

Lola and Fireworks/Oil and Water

Lola is scared of fireworks,as a matter of fact to say she is terrified of them would be closer to the truth. This really only affects us twice a year, the Fourth of July and a few days preceding it and NYE. Well, here in Hawaii it starts the day after Christmas, culminating with a fireworks extravaganza on NYE.

We found out about this back when we still lived in Oregon. I came home on the evening of the Fourth of July,to find Lola hiding under our bed. Only she was too big to fit under the bed, she was stuck. I had to dismantle the bed to get her out from under it. while this is a great story to tell (and to blog about) now it was quite traumatic for herat the time. And a little for me as well ,I suppose. I went around the house closing all the windows with Lola right at my heels. She would not move from my side,finally we went and lay on the bed.I tried to comfort her as she continued to shake and whine. Patrick and I felt like really bad parents, although I don't know why. It isn't like Lola could have told us . "By the way daddies I am terrified of fireworks." 

So now two times a year we go through the same ritual.We go to the Vet and get doggie Valium.On the day of the event we close all the windows in the house and leave radios blaring in the living romm and bedroom.One of us usually tries to be home early before the celebrations begin. This year Patrick will be home around 4o'clock . I will be at work dealing with drunken revelers.However my chores are done. The windows and blinds are all closed,and both radios are blaring, the doggie valium has been given and Lola? ……. She is fast asleep at my feet .

Lola: a Pictorial Post

I decided that it was time to put some more pictures of the princess of the castle up here . I mean c’mon the title is Life with Lola and I think maybe there are 2 pictures of her on here. Until now that is . Picture 1&3 are in between groomings while picture 2 is right after a grooming. I think she looks like a totally different breed  after a good haircut.


I am ready for my close up Mr. Demille !


Yes I swear to god I have been good now give me the freakin treat! Can’t you see how pretty I am sitting?


Sheesh, going to the beach and hanging out all day is pretty tiring.I don’t know about you guys, but….I am pooped!!

I find it hard to believe ( like many of my fellow bloggers) that 2006 is drawing to a close. On that note I would like to wish a great and happy New year,to all of my faithful ( as well as the not all that faithful ) readers of my blog,filled with great happiness and many succeses. 2006 was a good year for Patrick and myself barring the Physical turmoil we both went through, but as they say this too shall pass .

Some of the more memorable things that happened in 2006 :

I started this here blog, yup almost a whole year of my ramblings, ventings and sometimes really boring posts.

I married the man who is the love of my life.

Got to finally bring Lola from Portland to Hawaii, to be with her daddies where she belongs.

I found some great blogs, whose authors I consider friends even though we haven’t actually “met” yet.

I nursed said Husband back to health after a Miniscus surgery.

Only to turn around and shatter my knee cap 1 week after he was fully recovered.

I went to Disney World for the very first time, where I met my favorite character ever…..Tigger! 

I started The Bloggers Book Club (with a little help from some friends), which by the way is still accepting members.

Got to spend some time with the folks in Bama.

Refound 4 very dear friends .

And the list could go on for a bit , needless to say it was a good year. Again I would like to take the time to thank you, my regular readers for coming by and I wish you all the Best and Brightest for the upcoming 2007 !!

Open Discussion Question

Preface : I have only ever really had Management experience in the Hospitality field. From fast food to fine dining, Private clubs to hotels and resorts , my jobs have ran the gambit. In every case, without exception I have ran into this problem .

 Problem: In every job I have had in the hospitality field I have had instances of 30-50 year old mature adults punch in and begin to work only to turn into screaming, caterwauling infants while on the job. Telling on their co-workers,whining and complaining about their assignments and I won’t even go into the division of the day crew from the night crew feud. Trust me when I say there were times I felt I was running a day care instead of a business with professional adults.

Question : Does this only happen in the Hospitality arena, or do others of you in a managerial position go through this as well ? Feel free to talk amongst yourselves (preferably in my comment section!) Please tell me I am not alone, I would hate to have to go through a career change at this point in the game. You know what to do and where to do it …..GO!!!

My Christmas Wish


I know this is a little late but here it is :


Do you remember me?
I sat upon your knee.
I wrote to you
With childhood fantasies.Well, I’m all grown up now.
And still need help somehow.
I’m not a child,
Yet my heart still can dream.

So here’s my lifelong wish,
My grown up christmas list.
Not for myself,
But for a world in need.

No more lives torn apart.
That wars would never start,
And time would heal all hearts.

Everyone would have a friend.
And right would always win,
And love would never end.
This is my grown up christmas list.

As children we believed,
The grandest sight to see,
Was something lovely
Wrapped beneath our tree.

Well heaven surely knows,
That packages and bows,
Can never heal
A hurting human soul.

No more lives torn apart.
That wars would never start,
And time would heal all hearts.
And everyone would have a friend,
And right would always win.
And love would never end
This is my grown up christmas list

What is this illusion called the innocence of youth?
Maybe only in our blind belief can we ever find the truth
(there’d be).

No more lives torn apart.
That wars would never start,
And time would heal all hearts.
 Everyone would have a friend,
And right would always win.
And love would never end, oh
This is my grown up christmas list.

This is my only life long wish,this is my grown up christmas list.

Quite possibly one of the greatest Christmas songs ever written. We could use this now more than ever before.

Another Year Older…..

And if I am lucky alot wiser. We got back to Maui from Kona without incident. We had a nice time with our friends from Portland and spent a whole day at the Hilton Waikaloa , which was a beautiful property. I decided against swimming with the dolphins on my birthday, for 2 reasons,1) when I do it I really want Patrick to do it with me, and we didn’t have the money for us both to go and 2) We talked to a few people at the pool who had done it and from what they told us it was a bit disappointing. I did, however, get to see a Sea Turtle up close and personal, and then snorkeled with a few of them for about a half an hour. Very graceful creatures, their swimming reminded me of an angel flying. Oh …I also got a huge Owie on my knee by running into a spur of coral, that crap is sharp. My first snorkeling injury ( Really, it isn’t that bad).

 My Birthday was spent at the Hilton’s Pool area, then we had a nice dinner and went back to the condo, kinda low key but I am 41 now, I can’t be expected to be wild forever. For those of you who called me and had to leave a message, sorry I left my phone locked in the jeep so I would not lose it at the pool.

I hope all of my readers and friends have a wonderful day tomorrow, full of all the holiday cheer you can possibly handle. May the new year bring you all that you are hoping for. As for me I hope to get to know you all better and cement the bonds of friendship that have formed !!!

 Happy, Happy Holidays to all !!!!!

Stop…It’s Dolphin Time !!!!



  Words can not express how totally stoked I am at this minute. In just 2 days Patrick and I are off to the big island to enjoy 4 days with some good friends from Portland. Although that is,in itself, exciting news, that is not why I am stoked . I just got off the phone with the lovely people at the Hilton Waikaloa and the Dolphinquest Folk. It seems that I will be able to make a reservation to swim with the dolphins on December 22nd (my birthday). Kinda pricey but Patrick insisted that I do it.$190.00 for a 30 min time slot with 20 of those minutes being dolphin time !!! Plus one of the benefits of being a “Local”  is a lot of the tourist places give us a special discount, just for living here !! Which equates so an additional 20% off the $190.00 rate. WOOHOO. I tried to talk Patrick out of it, because I really don’t want to spend that much money for 20 minutes of playtime . He was not taking no for an answer. He is just about the best man in the whole entire world (and not just because  I get to swim with Flipper) He actually told me he was “really gonna be pissed if I didn’t take advantage of the opportunity.”

I have always held a deep affinity for these gentle creatures of the sea. A couple of years ago my then parnter, now x, took me to Sea World in San Diego. When we got to the dolphin show they all started jumping and flipping through the air. I actually started to cry like a school girl. Of course, at that time I was in the bleachers, this time I will be in the same water. I can not express how much this will mean to me. I am quite sure it will be the best Birthday present ever and one of my fondest memories. Unless,of course,they all go crazy and attack me the minute I get in their lagoon.

New Theme New Stats

Hey Ho all . It is with great pleasure that I can announce that, sometime over my weekend I have surpassed the 5,000 visitor mark. I thought that a theme change was in order to commemorate the auspicious event, hope you all like !! I find it a little overwhelming that so many people have stopped by to share a little time learning about our life with Lola. The best part is that I realize that I have a few really great people who are devoted readers,I think they have contributed highly to my blogsess ( new word). So to you my faithful readers, new and old friends, with a sister thrown in for good measure,I say thank you!! With out you all reading me on a regular basis I may have quit the blogosphere awhile ago.But you guys keep reminding me that although my blog is quite tame and, frankly boring at times, there are still some people who have found me and like to come back.That makes me happy.

My blog most likely will never be the one that gets 20-30 comments per post, in fact I average about 5-6 per post. I learned a little while ago , or I should say I was reminded that it is not the quantity of comments I get that is important, but the quality. Let me tell you I have alot of very high quality comments here, each made moreso by the people who wrote them. I have some sort of on going relationship with most of my commenters,granted the sister one was kinda easy, so I think I like it better this way! I look forward to each and every comment you guys post, so again thank you !!

I may never be on Best Gay Blogs,or win a blogging award but I am happy with my blog just the way it is.I have met some really great folks through this medium,and hope to cement the new friendships that have developed along the way. And for that reason, if for no other I am happy I decided to start this journey. I am also glad some of you have decided to tag along!!Your new friendships and reconnections have made it all worth while .

Mahalo Nui Loa

Scrooge Re-Incarnate


Usually I am the epitome of the holiday season, in fact I am the guy most of you hate. Yeah you know what I mean, Christmas music blaring from my car and in my home from the day after thanksgiving on.Yes I do show a modicum of restraint.I have even been tempted, in years past, to attach a wreath to my car(although I never did).I get the tree as soon as I can without having to worry about it turning brown before the GREAT DAY. I DVR all the Christmas shows regardless of how many times I have seen them, and yes I am talking about Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, and The Year without a Santa Claus.  But this year I just ain’t feeling it. Okay, yes I did burn a few Holiday CDs but that has been the extent of my cheeryness. Oh and I might have listened to the “all christmas all the time” radio station a couple of times.

I have no idea where my holiday cheer has gone. It is kind of upsetting, cuz really, when I say it isn’t like me, I really mean it . We are not even DOING a tree this year. Granted we will be on the big island until the 23 rd , and I have to work on Christmas Eve and Day, so there really is no reason for a tree I will hardly even get to see . Don’t get me wrong I am not depressed, not in the slightest. I just really don’t see the need for a tree this year. I can’t even change my mind when I get back because I lent my tree stand to some friends. I guess maybe I am just burnt out. Hopefully this little get away will give me the rest I need to make it through the next month at work. Being able to spend a whole 4 days with the husband is a great perk,at least I can count on that.So we shall see how I feel when I get back. But until then ………..BAH HUMBUG.

On this Day in History….

Exactly two years ago today 2 guys set forth on a grand adventure. It was with mixed emotions that they sold everything they owned, and boarded a plane headed for a new start on the tropical Isle of Maui.  Leaving the mainland was a bit hard for alot of different reasons some obvious some not. Most obvious was the leaving their friends and family. Not knowing what the Island had in store for them they set out with high hopes and guarded expectations .

Yup that’s right Patrick and I have been here on Maui for 2 years today. Lola did not get to join us for another 6 months due to the states quarantine regulations. And after an ACL surgery for Patrick and a shattered knee cap for me we are still here! When we left Portland we had no way of knowing if we were going to make it here, which, I suppose was all part of the grand adventure thing. We have made it and are doing well here. We both feel blessed and lucky to get to call Maui home.